Sub xqoffice() Dim xqIf As InterfaceInfo Dim xqMem As MemberInfo Dim xqPar As ParameterInfo Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim z As Integer ActiveSheet.Unprotect "xqoffice.cn" Rows("2:" & Rows.Count).ClearContents Set xqIf = TLI.InterfaceInfoFromObject(ActiveSheet) x = 1 For Each xqMem In xqIf.Members If xqMem.Name = "Protect" Then x = x + 1 Cells(x, 1).Value = xqMem.Name y = -1 For Each xqPar In xqMem.Parameters y = y + 1 Cells(y + x, 2).Value = xqPar.Name Next xqPar End If Next xqMem With ActiveSheet [C2].Value = "-" [C3].Value = .ProtectDrawingObjects [C4].Value = .ProtectContents [C5].Value = .ProtectScenarios [C6].Value = .ProtectionMode For z = 7 To y + x Cells(z, 3).Value = CallByName(.Protection, Cells(z, 2).Value, VbGet) Next z Cells(z, 2).Value = "EnableSelection" Cells(z, 3).Value = .EnableSelection End With Columns.AutoFit Set xqPar = Nothing Set xqMem = Nothing Set xqIf = Nothing End Sub
注解:如果运行报错“用户定义类型未定义”,则先依次单击【工具】→【引用】,勾选“Typelib infomation”,确定。